So with almost on battery left this was my last photo of the day, after our 10mile climb this was the scene looking back. I dont think the photo fully captures the same view we had but believe us it was fab! We headed down to Tyndrum and got caught in a torrential downpour, not for the 1st time either, with only 5miles to Crianlarich. We grabbed a tasty pizza from the Green Welly stop then we decided we could make the extra 21miles to Lochearnhead. Turned out to be a great run in the sun to, with a superb decline down to the Loch, just a shame the campsite was waterlogged!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Rannoch Moor
So with almost on battery left this was my last photo of the day, after our 10mile climb this was the scene looking back. I dont think the photo fully captures the same view we had but believe us it was fab! We headed down to Tyndrum and got caught in a torrential downpour, not for the 1st time either, with only 5miles to Crianlarich. We grabbed a tasty pizza from the Green Welly stop then we decided we could make the extra 21miles to Lochearnhead. Turned out to be a great run in the sun to, with a superb decline down to the Loch, just a shame the campsite was waterlogged!