I dont think many expected us to cross the line still in one piece or within the 9 days we set ourselves but we did it. We may not have hit 1000miles either as with the awful weather we faced, the terrain which we didnt quite expect (Marc, Torridan mountain range?) and the general aches & pains we did have to adjust our route slightly. But looking back we left North Berwick on the Wed, hit John O'Groats at 8am on Sunday, then Ullapool on Monday back home via Fort William & Glen Coe at 7pm on Thursday. What an achievement with many memories to go with it, good & bad and I dont think many will have ever covered the same route before! Hope u enjoyed the blog and thanks to everyone who helped us on our way, cheers, Rob & Marc aka Bozza & Para. Ps - Marc, dont call me with your next idea when we hit 40 unless it involves a beach & Bow!